i2 iBase – is an intuitive intelligence data management application that enables collaborative teams of analysts to capture, control, and analyze multi-source data in security-rich workgroup environments.
i2 Base allows:
Design databases without expert knowledge in the relational DBMS field.
Form and control access to the software product data and individual functions.
Database parameters can be set individually for each team member, which will save time on training and increase employee productivity.
Control access to data and analysis results
Analyze data using an analytical wide range and exploratory options, including search, query, install, view and report.
Present information in the diagrams form using i2 Analyst`s Notebook. This provides virtually unlimited possibilities for rapid analysis, of relationships analysis and their combinations.
Key Features:
Collect, structure, and process disparate data into a single repository
Discovering hidden relationships between structured and unstructured data using visual analysis tools
Ability to pass information to i2 Analyst’s Notebook
Collaboration and opportunity to share knowledge
and information among the analyst community
The key benefits:
Flexible data collection and management.
Automated and targeted analysis
Ready program with the configuration possibility