RDTEX Expressions for i2
The plugin is used to perform arithmetic calculations, text transformation, and other operations on i2 Analyst’s Notebook schemas to obtain the properties and attributes that an analyst needs to conduct an investigation.
RDTEX Expressions for i2
The plugin is used to perform arithmetic calculations, text transformation, and other operations on i2 Analyst’s Notebook schemas to obtain the properties and attributes that an analyst needs to conduct an investigation.
The plugin is intended:
Reduce analyst manual work in preparing data for investigations
Automate merging multiple data sources
Improve the data quality for investigation
Automatic external data merging (iBase, EIA, etc.) with existing investigations:
– solving the problem with filling in entity identifiers
Improving the schema data quality:
– cleaning text data from double spaces, extra characters, etc.
– merging duplicate attributes to a single sample
– missing attributes calculation based on loaded data
Properties and attributes calculations automation required for investigations
Functional features:
Distributed as a standalone installation package
Embedded in i2 ANB. Called from i2 ANB menu with right mouse button
Has a rule-setting interface with the ability to independently change and add
Has a convenient rule constructor for filtering and modifying data
Allows you to merge batch start rules
Saves the configuration of rules in the file for export/import
Running the last action
Current version
October 11, 2024 – Version 0.7.6 released:
* Compatibility with i2 OpenUA Search 1.2.4